Friday, January 28, 2011

Fake Terror And The War For Your Mind


   Yesterday I was watching random YouTube videos and came across one from The SOTT Report. It was a young man doing a news report on the invisible war on terror. I will post a link of the video at the end of this post. I thought this man was doing a very good job explaining examples of how the FBI goes out and finds mentally unstable people to groom into scary Al-Qaeda terrorists.
  Then he proceeds to show the YouTube video of a American gunner in a helicopter, (I think) waiting for the OK to open fire on 5 or 6 people who were crossing the road. From the video you can clearly tell the men were not armed. There were also a few children with them. One man had what looked like a camera hanging from his shoulder. The man about to shoot identifies it as a weapon. These men were NOT engaging the Americans from what I seen in the video. However that does not stop them opening fire and brutally murdering all the men, and children. A minute after you can hear them on the radio explaining that they were innocent people with their kids. Then the solider says " Its their fault for bringing their kids to war, or something along those lines.
   I have seen this video before on YouTube, and the first time I was furious. I felt sick to my stomach. I was cursing those soldiers to hell. But the second video that he shows is just, if not more disturbing than the first. It shows men putting their kids into a van, then loading another injured man . The whole time the solider is watching them, begging his commander for the o.k to engage. "Come on! Let me shoot" he says, you can hear the anxiety in his voice on how bad he wants to kill these unarmed men and children. Now the video stopped before they got slaughtered, but was explained they were engaged and killed. The US military later explains there were militants and deny knowledge on how they died.
  After watching these videos it clearly shows how out-of-hand the military really is and quite frankly I'm disgusted and ashamed. All they are doing is creating terrorism. Not fighting it.
You can watch the video here, but viewer discretion should be taken.

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