Friday, January 28, 2011

Flouride. How much is in your water?

According to Ontario Ministry of Health fluoride is still not a concern. The maximum allowable concentration or (MAC) which was established in in 1978 is 1.5mg/L. A report from 1996 recommended that it be maintained. Apparently the Ministry was riling on studies that were conducted more than 50 years ago, looking at the epidemiological data a "optimal" level of 1.0ppm-1.2ppm was selected for the province of Ontario.
 You can look at this report yourself on the web on the .gov website. It was submitted by Dr.David Locker of the Community Dental Health Service Research Unit Faculty of Dentistry.
  According to the document the only negatives that were mentioned was a "acute toxicity", and the benefits clearly out-weighed the risk. They fall  back on the false excuse that dental fluoresces is lower in community's that fluoridated their water.
  Now I have done my own research on fluoride, and have heard plenty on scientists and doctors and dentists discuss the very real risks that fluoride has to our body's. It bio-accumulates in the body and the brain. It is clearly toxic and there have been plenty of studies to back that up. I would recommend you do a little research on the risks yourself, and you can decide if you and your family should be ingesting this poison.  A good place to start is looking at these 10 facts.

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